April 29, 2015


Ser artista es, sin lugar a dudas, un privilegio de la vida. Un artista, tiene contenido en si mismo la capacidad de sublimar todo lo que al ser humano representa, la capacidad de crear y hacer sentir al que contempla su obra.
Por ser artista se como  y cuantas veces el arte ha salvado mi vida: la ha salvado de la mediocridad, del conformismo, del materialismo, incluso, de la depresión. 
No todos los que nacen artistas tienen la oportunidad de expresarse a través del arte y muchas veces ni siquiera llegan a conocer algún tipo de expresión artística , es por eso que es de vital importancia que todos los que sí hemos tenido esa oportunidad compartamos a todo el que se pueda el placer del arte. 
R.Evolución Latina no solo sabe de esta necesidad, sino además lo hace. Lleva a todo el que pueda, a sumergirse en el arte y encontrar en sí mismos el poder que tenemos de cambiar nuestra propia vida, nuestras propias comunidades y la sociedad compartiendo con total entrega y profunda convicción todo sus conocimientos a través de la experiencia artística  ¡ de manera gratuita!
Este año fui becada por Gabriela Garcia para participar en el Beyond Worshop Series 2015. En este taller no solo tuve la fortuna de recibir clases con  excelentes maestros con magníficas  trayectorias artísticas, sino que fui nutrida, alentada e inspirada por cada uno de ellos para continuar con la misión de tocar vidas a través del arte. No fue un simple taller donde se aprende un poco mas del teatro musical, BWS es una experiencia reveladora, EL ARTE HAY QUE COMPARTIRLO PORQUE EL ARTE CAMBIA VIDAS. EL ARTE TRANSFORMA SOCIEDADES. 
R.Evolución Latina ha transformado la vida de muchísimos artistas jóvenes, niños y adultos a través de sus programas GRATUITOS, inspirando y empoderando a  artistas latinoamericanos, como yo, para hacer lo mismo en nuestros países.  Pero nada de esto es posible sin la "pequeña ayuda de nuestros amigos": todos aquellos que hacen  donaciones para que RL continúe  con su misión. 
Yo exhorto a todas las personas que leean esto, a que se conviertan en "un amigo del arte" . ¡NECESITAMOS A NUESTROS AMIGOS! El arte no solo existe para entretenernos, es mucho más profundo que eso. El arte cambia la perspectiva de la vida. Un niño o un joven que ha  tenido la oportunidad de experimentar el arte en cualquiera de sus formas, tiene muchísimas menos probabilidades de escoger una vida en violencia o de delinquir no importa de donde provenga o su nivel socioeconómico simplemente porque eso es lo que el arte hace en las personas. Y a eso se dedica RL, a proveer de esta experiencia a muchísimos niños y jóvenes no solo de Estados Unidos sino de toda Latinoamérica. 
Conviertanse en "amigos del arte" y hagan sus donaciones. Con su ayuda estarán ayudando a RL a seguir cambiando vidas. Quizá la próxima vez que vea un espectáculo el protagonista sea una persona a la que usted ayudo a que RL latina le abriera el mundo. 
Yo estoy profundamente agradecida con RL por hacerme sentir valiosa para mi país. Por ayudarme a reencontrarme con mi propia necesidad de compartir lo que se con otros.
Lillian Gonzalez Arce
Guatemala, Guatemala

April 16, 2015

Julie Freundt - Bendecida por hacer Arte en mi país

Me siento muy bendecida por hacer arte en mi país. Dirijo Acordes, (unmultiespacio cultural que recibe diariamente a muchos jóvenes artistas, cada uno buscando ser mejor, salir adelante), tengo 27 años de carrera artística en el Perú, cantando y produciendo música tradicional y fusión peruana, por eso en el 2011, cuando conocí a Luis Salgado, tuve una empatía inmediata con toda su obra. 

R.Evolución Latina, realmente revolucionó mi vida, me volvió a conectar conmigo misma, con mi esencia. Acostumbrandome a dirigir, se me estaba olvidando de sentir esa emoción superior por realizar lo que amo, expresar a través de mi voz, mi cuerpo , mi propia razón de ser, de estar y existir: ser artista!
Estoy muy agradecida desde el día en que llegó el BWS a Lima en el 2013, fueron 2 semanas intensas, de un dar y recibir tantotalento. Mi conección fue inmediata y no dudé en poner a todo mi staff a producir musicalmente  una nueva versión del tema “Atrevéte a más” , por zamacueca, un ritmo afro peruano. Ya en NYC, musicalicé “Our Deepest Fear”, de la mano de Jaime Lozano, quedó  una hermosa versión.
Cada año que pasa me siento más comprometida y agradecida, porque es una oportunidad maravillosa para jóvenes peruanos y latinos de transformar su vida a través del arte. Gracias R.Evolución Latina , gracias Luis, Gabriela, Denisse, Heather, Eric, Doreen, todos!! Somos una gran familia , extendida en america latina,  la experiencia de trabajar junto a Jaime, Ian , William, y cada profesional que dona de su tiempo me reta siempre a soñar , con todo lo que somos capaces de materializar cuando creemos en nosotros mismos. Cada artista que he conocido en BWS, se ha quedado impregnado en mi vida, y se convierte en mi motor diario, porque “Dare to go beyond”, no es solo una frase, es la gasolina que me mueve a cantar, a subirme al escenario y poder decirles: “ si yo puedo, tú tambien puedes, cree en ti, y en lo que eres capaz de hacer, confía en que aquello que quieres, ya está dado para ti , preparate, estudia, da tu 100% , y  atrevéte a mas!

April 02, 2015

Juanjo González: Los Sueños Son Para Cumplirse

Aprendiendo a jugar cada día. ¡Saludos a todos! Soy Juanjo González, y yo me atrevo a más. 

Desde muy pequeño he estado interesado en el teatro, especialmente en el teatro musical y siempre lo he disfrutado como espectador. Mi contacto con el teatro profesional comenzó como director y redactor de la web Palco5, la primera web en castellano especializada en Teatro Musical. De ahí pasé a ser redactor de BroadwayWorld.com en su sección de España, donde asumí la parte de director de la página regional. 
Hace ya cuatro años que escuché por primera vez el lema de REVOLUCIÓN LATINA, "atrévete a mas", "dare to go beyond". Y fue leyendo un texto de Disney con mi amigo Luis Salgado que me inspiró. "Desde ahora ya no duermo para descansar, duermo para soñar. Los sueños están para cumplirse.
"Si mi objetivo iba más allá del patio de butacas y mi sueño era vivir por y para el teatro, meterme de lleno en una producción, ¿porque no aprender, avanzar y atreverme a más?
Con R.Evolucion Latina he tenido un gran apoyo en BroadwayWorld Spain, especialmente en los Premios del Público que organizamos anualmente, en los que a través de Luis hemos conseguido que grandes figuras del teatro musical de Broadway participasen enviando video saludos que todos los asistentes a la gala de entrega de los Premios han disfrutado. Un pequeño puente entre ambos lados del Atlántico que vamos estrechando año tras año. 

La aventura de producir un nuevo musical, LAURA Y EL ENIGMA DE LA MÚSICA PERDIDA EN EL VAGÓN DE METRO, ha sido hasta ahora puramente ilusión, dedicación y determinación, pero ante todo mucho amor por lo que hago. 

Todo el que se tiene para animarte a invertir mucho tiempo y dinero, saltar de la zona de confort y abrir bien los ojos y los oídos ya que intento aprender a cada paso una nueva profesión con la que había flirteado en varias ocasiones, pero no tan seriamente como hasta ahora. 

Por suerte, el camino que he emprendido como productor no lo he hecho solo sino que a cada paso que doy lo hago con mi mujer Maria Ortega, con la que entro en el mundo de la producción de la mano y con la que me siento seguro de hacer las cosas bien. En el equipo de producción hace falta alguien como ella que, con alegría y fuerza de voluntad, da impulso a la producción desde un punto de vista analítico y práctico, con sensatez y objetividad, y siempre con una sonrisa. 

Está siendo una alegría porque cada domingo, cuando se encienden las luces sobre el escenario del Teatro Galileo siento un cosquilleo en el estomago, la satisfacción de que el proyecto que nos planteamos muchos meses atrás cobra vida y llega al público. Ese es sobre todo nuestro objetivo - que una historia original, fresca y divertida llegue a todos los que están sentados en su butaca. Y que, como todos los que componemos LA COJA, la compañía que ha puesto en pie este musical, se atrevan a jugar. 
Poner sobre el escenario un nuevo musical protagonizado solo con niños y que esta sea la primera aventura de una joven compañía es todo un reto. Ninguna marca que nos respalde, ningún título que nos avale y ninguna melodía ya conocida como salvavidas. Un salto mortal que te atreves a dar cuando vas de la mano de un equipo creativo compuesto por gente de teatro con muchos años de experiencia, que saben lo que hacen y sobre todo de la que puedes aprender cada día. Sara Perez (directora del musical) y Tino Antelo, autores del texto y Felipe Forastiere, autor de la música, junto a Merce Grane, coreógrafa, han sido los culpables de que Laura se meta en los túneles todos los domingos a buscar la música perdida del violinista. 
De quien sobre todo hemos aprendido todos y cada uno de los que componemos el equipo de este musical es de nuestros jóvenes protagonistas. Cinco niños que no debutaban precisamente. En su haber cuentan con títulos como El Rey León, Sonrisas y Lágrimas o Los Miserables. Es increíble la capacidad de reacción, de improvisación que tienen estos niños de tan solo 11-13 años. Unos pequeños que ya conocen la profesión y que se sienten tan cómodos y seguros como cualquier adulto sobre las tablas.

Desde hace muchos años he vivido de cerca el teatro pero ha sido ahora cuando me he atrevido a mas, a dar el paso volviendo a ser niño. Y es que ellos nos definen la lección claramente en cada función: Porque jugar es vivir es crear y es avanzar. Es desear y es flipar, imaginar con libertad.

March 19, 2015

Keith Odums - A Story of Gratitude

Keith Odums is a 2015 Beyond Workshop Series student who has participated in the last 4 weeks of classes in dance, Shakespeare and voice. This is what he shared with us about his experience with the program.


R.Evolucion Latina ​is, by far, the preternatural gem of Adult Education for Latino artists andall artists internationally and locally! Gabriela, Luis, Rickey, Jonathan,William, Amanda, Ian, Akiko and all guest artists bring to the workshop space such rich and extensive knowledge.

It’s amazing each instructor has donated their time, talent and training. Their devotion to nurturing artists is unheard of in New York City. I have the opportunity to participate in all three workshops. FREE! Also, a rarity for adult Latino artists and performing artists in New York City.

I, as a person of color, know the challenges of working in the performing arts. One of many challenges is not many opportunities to explore and become more of yourself as an artist. I love that R.Evolución Latina ​is providing an opportunity for adult Latino artists to grow, learn, and express their uniqueness. I know and believe that through cultural diversity; our human existence by virtue of art animates the spirit miraculously. I believe R.Evolucion Latina understands this, so innately. Their unequivocal enthusiasm everyday of the workshop is infectious.

As I write this, I reflect on today’s experiences in the workshop. It was a very difficult day for me today. I can be the least compassionate person to myself. I want to compare myself to others’ work. This personal challenge is a major reason why I needed R.Evolucion Latina​. What helps me, each week and everyday, is the instructors reminding us to work with our individual potential. Reminding us that, our individual uniqueness is why we are here. Our individual uniqueness is what an audience or observer of art wants to see. This consistent intimation keeps me sane, grounded, and germinating. It keeps me in class when I want to run and hide from myself. The environment in each class bolsters my best each hour at that hour. All artists experience a day like I have today. The gift R.Evolucion Latina relinquishes is the opportunity as an artist to practice “getting out of your own way”. I know I will not get an opportunity like this at an audition. I will not get it during a professional contract. At R.Evolucion Latina​ I have a safe haven to explore and nurture my “artist child”. FREE of charge! This is why R.Evolucion Latina​is the preternatural gem of Adult Education for Latino artists and all artists Internationally and locally.

The immeasurable vastness of my gratitude is extended to R.Evolucion Latina​!

Keith Odums

June 10, 2014

María Peyramaure: Acting, Healing, Inspiring

By Anel Carmona  

Let me start this by wishing you all a very very happy Tony’s weekend! That being said, I want to introduce you to our this month’s hero: a woman whose life has been entirely dedicated to Theatre, and not only that, but someone who uses Theatre to heal , help and make people happier. This person is a good friend of mine and her name is María Peyramaure and a huge part of R.Evolución Latina.

Our story begins in Griffin Georgia when an 18 year old María, finishes high school and with no hesitation at all goes to Berry College as a Theatre major, which includes one year studying abroad in London. Once finished with school, she worked as an actor for good 5 years and as “Working as an actor” implies, she had every kind of jobs: big jobs, small jobs, medium jobs, polka-dotted and multicolored jobs. For example, she did small things like a voice over here, and a commercial there, and huge things like working with important companies such as Alliance Theatre Company, Theatre in the Square and Geogia’s Shakespeare Festival. One of the wonderful jobs is one that would be the constant in her life till now: Being a clown-doctor. Super Interesting, right? More of that, later. 5 years have passed since she started her career as an actress and even though her mom was a great roommate, she finally decides to move out of her hometown to the Big City where she has built up her wonderful life. She works fully as an actor which gives her the delight of doing what she loves for a living, she got married and she kept her job as a clown doctor. This job has meant everything to Maria, since it is the one that she has kept all the time. She has the fantastic opportunity to heal people with her work. She amuses, empowers and nurtures the patients with her performance, inspiring their souls, healing their bodies and along the way she gets inspired by THEM. This is how Maria is the perfect Example of the Circle Effect. In 2012 María enrolled in the vocal ensemble for the Beyond Workshop Series (where she happened to meet this one who’s writing). She loves singing as a clown but she doesn’t think of herself as a singer, so it was a great opportunity to Dare to go Beyond and try something she really wanted to do but had never tried. After that she fell in love with RL’s Philosophy and she’s being a volunteer ever since. “It is very easy to live in an “artist bubble” in which you only think of how can you be better and work only for yourself, but a true artist, works not only for that but for helping others in any way they can”. Besides her job in the circus, Maria has worked a lot in Theatre plays (Mostly the classics) and she is a member of AENY (Actores Españoles en Nueva York) where she recently did the show Wonderful Days.


• She loves riding bicycles.

• Her favorite movies include: Captain Phillips, Red Violin, and Crash. She couldn't actually pick a favorite.

• She met her husband as she was working as an assistant in a tour for Big Apple Circus.

Well folks! All for now! Hope you have liked this moving story and wait for upcoming surprises!!

February 22, 2014

The Magic that Happened at the BWS Audition

So... Guess who’s back friends?!!! It’s been a while since my last blog right? But RL is back this year with wonderful projects and fun surprises and of course, this blog won’t be the exception.

Today, we’re going to go a little bit in another direction and Instead of talking about a super interesting person (as we always do) we’ll be talking about a super interesting program. Ladies and Gentleman: THE BEYOND WORKSHOP SERIES.

A super brief explanation:

Just to put it in context for those who don’t know or who are not sure what it is. The Beyond Workshop Series (BWS) is an educational program of R.Evolución Latina, dedicated to young artist in formation and recent graduates who want to keep their skills sharp and ready to go beyond with their art.

Back to the point

This is officially the 6th year that R.Evolución Latina has offered this fabulous program and I had the great opportunity to be part of the audition process which I what I would like to talk about.

An audition like no other

A little bit of nerves here, a little bit of expectation there, with a hint of a sense of competition. Sound familiar? Sound like something that you have felt every now and then when you’re about to step into the audition room? Well, one of those sensation didn’t even cross anyone’s mind last Sunday.

It is ten o'clock and all the RL participants are sitting on the wooden floor. We’re all from different cultures and countries. Americans, Latin-Americans, Peruvians, Colombians, Mexicans, etc,  all excited to begin but having no idea of what a blast of a day it would be. We stretch, we go over our songs, we try to  keep ourselves ready.

Our director, Luis Salgado and BWS coordinator, the beautiful Hanley Smith, open the audition/workshop day by daring us to go beyond, giving a short explanation of today’s agenda and asking us to form a line then, a perfect circle in 10 seconds, we did with no success AT ALL. Luis promised that by the end of the day we would be able to accomplish these tasks.

Then the great Mr. Ian Hersey (BWS Shakespeare teacher) gets to the room and the Shakespeare audition has begun!

Two lines. That’s it. All of the participants got to do two verses by Shakespeare, get feedback and a little bit of coaching in two minutes. He taught us the importance of breathing, spontaneity, diction…but the greatest lesson wasn’t even taught by the teacher. IT was taught by one of our Cuban friends who was very nervous about his English. He was scared to do something wrong or not to be “as good” as the rest of the native English speakers but he was brave and daring. He stands up. He asks for permission to read it. He reads it, he acts, he gets his coaching, he works on the notes he gets…and by the end of the two minutes he is able to do it, completely off book.  I could read it on his forehead: I dare to go beyond

The rest of the day continues with the fun dance and movement auditions by Matthew Steffens and Rickey Tripp. “MOVE FREELY!” “CREATE!” “DO WHATEVER YOU WANT” were some of the phrases that the auditionees heard during these 2 hours but as  time went on they found themselves struggling with the given steps/combinations. “It’s all about balance”, we all conclude later on while talking to Luis Salgado. “You can’t just have impeccable movement without something going on, but you also can’t just have something to tell without doing the right steps. The balance of both is what makes you a good artist”. Good lesson right?

By this time of the day all the students feel so wise that they could write a book. They’re not scared anymore. They are so ready to belt their faces off for the vocal audition, ran by BWS faculty member, William Wade. They are confident with themselves, with the rest of the auditionees and with the people in the panel. Even those who didn’t think of themselves as singers, were ready to show what they had. There were many remarkable moments at this time but I would like to highlight one. The moment when the auditionee and RL volunteer Chris McClellan, sang “This Little Light of Mine”. She just stands up, sings, and suddenly all the people in the room get in the same mood. We all sing along in those brief 16 bars. The sense of community is right there letting everybody SHINE.

And finally the audition is concluded. No one knows who is going to make it into the BWS. But at this point all the participants have been touched, empowered and inspired by the teachers and their fellow classmates. They all have something new to share to their communities and are ready to go Beyond…Workshop Series.


At the end of the day. Everybody was able to form a line and a circle in less than 10 seconds. Magic!!

October 15, 2013

Greg Uliasz: A Rising Star

Out of all the smiley people that I have interviewed in my "super long" career as a blogger, I had never interviewed anyone who smiled as much as Greg Uliasz. Only 24 years old, this New Hampshire native is making his way as a New York actor, and he is doing it well! If you could see through a window of the Uliasz’s home a little less than 20 years ago, you would find three children playing make believe. You would learn that one of their favorite games, was putting on a show. You’d see the little girl creating choreography, her brother setting up the spotlight, and of course a very young Greg offering an outstanding performance for their parents and some stuffed animals. He grew up, and became inspired by the Broadway revival of Les Misérables. That is when Greg decided that stuffed animals weren’t enough of an audience anymore and made his life choice of being a Musical Theatre actor. Despite the typical ups and downs that are part of an actor's career, Mr. Uliasz has had a very promising one. Right after high school, he was in a professional production of Chess already. During his college studies at Marymount Manhattan College he took a year off to be the Vocalist for Celebrity Cruise Lines. After graduating in 2012, he got to play the role of Payaso in R.Evolución Latina’s production of Amigo Duende. “From the first callback, I knew that this was going to be a different show. I got to meet really amazing people and the entire process, from the selection to the performance was a very inspiring experience”.  Greg says, as he has a sip of his tall mint tea. “Now I feel like I’m part of R.Evolución Latina. I may not share a Hispanic background but I love to be involved, I go to meetings and I volunteer as much as I can”.

Fun facts about Greg:

  • He loves Mac and cheese
  • He would love to be in Book of Mormon
  • He is a Committee member for R.Evolución Latina’s Dance-A-Thon
  • He is now represented by Herb Rothman at American Talent Management
Finally, if you LOVED this interview (which I’m sure you did) and wish to see Greg’s work, you can’t miss him in the role of the "President of the United States" in THE QUIET CLOCK. A children’s musical playing at Stage 72 until the end of December. And that’s it friends!! Keep smiling and Dare to go Beyond!